Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Hunger Games and a New Comic :)

In light of the third book of the Hunger Games Trilogy coming out this August, I am leading a book club to discuss the first book tonight and the second book at the end of July.

There's a count down on Scholastic's site for the release of Mockingjay, so I thought I would add it here.

And since it's Wednesday, there's a new Minionitis available for your reading pleasure. Go check out Baxter's Secret Minion Classroom!

Enjoy your day!

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Serenity, Cookies & Cats

Meet Serenity! She's a Rooz put out by Kidrobot's Munny World. Her head and arms are still removable. She was crocheted with acrylic yarn. Everyone needs a cyclops in their life!

It's been a while since I baked anything, but here's some Oatmeal Chocolate Chip cookies I baked up yesterday.

I've also got some cute cat pics today. First there is Kitty enjoying the open door with a chair in front of it.

And we've recently discovered that Jasper likes to ride around in the laundry basket. He kind of has this "king of the world" look on his face, doesn't he?

Oh, and the second comic for Minionitis is up so feel free to hop on over to see it. :)

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Minionitis Progress

Well, I've got the first comic done and up on my new wordpress site I set up because I am using HostMonster for hosting the site where I will have all my stuff accessible. I am still figuring things out, but you can certainly check it out here.

Further reasonings for going with wordpress include the ability to use plugins to set up a library of the comics. But I haven't really figures out why I don't have a plugin tab to go forward with my plans of minion subservience. I'll just keep playing until I figure it out. I found that's what I had to do for coloring my comics, too. I'm learning a lot and having fun at the same time. The victories out weigh the frustrations.

Enjoy your day!

P.S. Did you notice my new banner? What do you think?

Friday, June 11, 2010

Fuz Pistol

Yo! Check it! It's my first plush gun! I made it for the Plush Team Call of Duty Weapons Challenge going on now. You can see other entries at the Plush Team site when they are all posted. The deadline is June 23rd, so I am a bit ahead in my completion.

So, here we have a loadable pistol crocheted in acrylic yarn and stuffed with polyfil.

It was tough to choose what weapon to make. I played around with the idea of doing Dr. Horrible's Freeze Ray, but opted for a smaller pistol instead. It feels nice to hold for some reason...