Thursday, March 19, 2009


Head on over to Plushapalooza on Tuesday, March 24 at 3 pm EST. Come check out the Plush Team and see what we've got!

We're going to give the yarn spinning class another go over at the Studio at Rush Creek in Maple Grove, MN. The class is scheduled for Sunday, March 29th at 1 pm. You can sign up for it on the Studio website.

While in New York I made these two beauties. First we have Georgie the kitty with removable clothing and then we have Tyrose the mini heart gremlin. Both are in need of hugs and in my Etsy shop.


Anonymous said...

I love your little creatures. So cute! Thanks!

Jen of fuzfrenzy said...

Thanks :)

Anonymous said...

Aw, they're really cute! I especially like the heart gremlin.