Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Rat on a plane :)

For the first time ever, one of my rats was on a plane. I kind of hope this kind of thing happens more, but one never knows.

Josh and I went to New York to visit family and this rattie came over as Josh's mom's birthday present. Honestly, if you looked in my Etsy shop before I took this rat down you would have seen this rat with a girl's name. But while we were waiting for our delayed plane in the Detroit airport it became abundantly clear that we were wrong.

You see, there was this great little fake tree with rocks underneath and someone had written the name Jamison on one of the rocks. It was perfect! Though, Mom, if you do want to change the name or change him to a her, that's okay, too :)

Here's an update on blog names for my food blog. So far we have these entries:

-- Cloudy with a chance of ...cookies?
-- The Fuzzy Gourmet
-- Dough Hook
-- From Hook to Cook
-- The Baking Sheet Chronicles
-- The Five Second Rule
-- The Animated Baker

I also was thinking of having my line of handspun yarns called the Fuz Cafe. But I guess it could work for a blog name, too. Any other ideas out there? Or are there any from this list that you particularly like?

Thanks guys! I really appreciate the help :)


amanda said...

it would've been so funny if "snakes on a plane" would have played as your flight movie.

Jen of fuzfrenzy said...

that would have been interesting for sure :)

Raggy Rat said...

i do like your rats
i just aquired some pet girls, did you see?
i love the ariplane pic of jamison ..
cat xxx

Jen of fuzfrenzy said...

Cat, I did see your beautiful girlies! Congrats! Give them hugs from me!